30 Most Vital SEO Tools I Use While Publishing and Sharing Blog Posts

It's since many days i'm not sharing any personal stuff with you all as i did this past but miscellaneous contents have moved me away. But today i've come with bundles of SEO tools, strategies i personally use for onpage SEO of this blog. You all know during past 4/5 months there are lots of queries are established on the web who give me thousands of views every month. Eventually my blog posts get huge views from other search engines like Aol, Yahoo, Ask, Msn, Baidu. My CTR and CPC is getting improved day by day as i actually do organic SEO for this blog.

Everyday for blogging purposes i use some specific tools who help me enough to onpage optimize my posts and get boost of traffic within 2/3 days of publishing. I use only free tools but very effective and actionable tools they are.

30 Most Vital SEO Tools I Use While Publishing and Sharing Blog Posts

Today i will meet you all what types of tools i use for onpage SEO of this blog and how my posts get quick search visibility after 2/3 days of publishing.

Meta Description, Title and Permalink Optimization

Three most vital components work about 50 percent to rank a post on search engines are Meta Title,Meta Permalink and Meta Description. Meta Title is what you can say the root of your blog post, Met permalink is the second most important component and Meta description is almost the third one. 

Normally before publishing a post i check it's Title length whether it exceeds the maximum limit that is 70 characters. Then i check meta permalink either it breaks on Google search results pages, finally meta description whether it crosses 140 characters. To instantly check these i use a tool that isSEOMofo.com which gives me instant solution of my post title, description and permalink.

For Keyword Research

For some specific posts i need to do keyword research in order that my post can attract the largest frequency of keywords on search engines and easily do better on SERPs. Keyword research is not any kind of easy work but you have to a bit intelligent to pick the perfect one and combine with the blog post. For a single post title you can pick maximum 3 individual keywords but it's too crucial to combine then between post title.

Keywords that are correctly combined, human understandable, simply written with optimized keywords are strongly recommended for search engine ranking by SEO experts, on the other hand wrong placement of keywords, mixed with vowels and prepositions, not easily understandable and complex titles do not work well in search engine ranking.

So you have to be more careful in picking right keywords and almost no need to do keyword research for every post if you're not an expert but write your own way very simple and almost human readable and understandable blog post title. Below two free tools i use for keyword research and keyword density checker

Google Keyword Planner: Which gives me the the estimation for my targeted keywords, suggestion big and monthly search volume.
Keyword Density Checker: I check the keyword density for my posts whether more keywords comparing to post body. That is almost a bad alarm according to search engines and black hat seo technique.

For Snippet Optimization and Page Speed

Google Structured Data Testing Tool: I use this tool to check how this page will appear on Google custom search. Especially this tool estimates information for meta description, title, image, post author, hAtom feed (source: Microformat), robots, author name etc. Whether everything is okey you will not see any warning otherwise a red colored text will provide you specific warning for hAtom feed consolidation.
Google Page Speed Insights: On a mattcutts report last year he mentioned that Google counts page speed as a ranking factor also stated that this algorithm update will not change search results much but will decrease rank for such content pages having huge junks. After getting this news i strongly focus on page speed and for every single post i monitor page speed on Google Page Speed Insights.

Image Resources

For every post i need handful of unique images so that my posts become attractive. Choosing right image for your post is an another strategy and almost crucial task. Also there are copyrights issue so you can't use images from any source without giving them credits.

If you create your  own image that is a good sign that Google will evaluate your page image and rank on Google images. Also you can register your images under Creative Commons so that any blogger or content writer use this image will have to give you credit.

To get unlimited free images for my blog posts i use following image resources sites.

Flickr: They have a giant storage of billions of images are almost original and published by experts and graphic designers. If you use their resources don't forget to give credit to original author.

Google Images: They have billions of image resources but remember while using images from Google images you have to give credits to original author must otherwise it will be serious copyright issue that even Google monitors itself.

Bing Images: Bing tracks images likewise Google and they giant storage of free images while you can use the resources for your blog post.

— 15+ Other Resources Sites

For Image Compression

After getting targeted image i need to resize it for lower compression so that it will not lower my page speed and will provide better UI and UX to readers. Below are two different tools i use to optimize images for my blog post.

Image Resizer: You may notice that for every post i am to use two different sized images one is 220px X 160px (for front page) and 600 X 350 or similar size for main page. I do this by a simple tool that is Image Resizer. By using this tool i can create any sized of image with actual ratio. I export image in png format for clearance of image sometime jpg for lower image size.

Photoshop CS5: That is my main image optimization tool which helps my in any sort of image optimization, compression and resizing. It is more flexible and easy to use.

For Image Hosting

Below are three image hosting services i use to store my blog post images so that they can be shared by multiple websites, blogs, social bookmarking sites and social networking sites.

Picasa: They are integrated with blogger image uploader so i don't need to upload manually on picasaweb. My images come to Google image searches next 2/3 days of publishing post.

Flickr: Almost a great source of image hosting who offer about 1 terabyte of image storage and you can get your images shared by millions of visitors on internet.

Imgur: You all know this awesome image hosting service, once you share an image on Imgur it will get exploded by thousands of unique views and shares. Your images can be shared by reddit and you will see giant flow traffic to your personal blog or site.

For Post Sharing

For post sharing i use following internet based social networking sites.

Facebook: When i publish a post it gets auto published on Facebook profile page, Facebook brand page also Facebook groups.

Twitter: My posts get auto published on twitter profile page and they give me handful of unique traffic.

Google Plus Page: My posts get auto published on Google plus page

Google Plus Community: I have joined 100+ Google plus communities around my niche, so that i can share any post with targeted community.

Should know that according to Moz's 2013 Google search engine ranking factors survey, Google counts .30 of Google +1's in order to rank a post and that is almost on second position after Page Author (PA).

Linkedin: My posts also get featured on Linkedin groups

For Post Feed

My blog gets a number of daily blog readers who love to read tech tutorials from my blog. When i publish any post lots of people read content through mail. To maintain email lists and deliver content i use Google Feedburner that is a free service.

For Tagging and Bookmarking

Frankly speaking about 40% of my blog's entire traffic come from tagging and social bookmarking. I use following social bookmarking sites to get tagged my images, posts and socially bookmarked by thousands readers online.

Stumbleupon: They contribute me 60% of my entire social bookmarking and tagging traffic.

Pinterest: They provide my around 5% of social bookmarking traffic.

Reddit: They provide 10% of traffic

Delicious: The provide 5% of traffic

Tumblr: Great resource and provide me 5% of traffic

Slashdot: Provide my 5% of entire social bookmarking traffic

Fark: Provide my 5% of traffic

Digg: Provide me 5% of traffic

— To Wrap Up

These are the SEO tools i use to optimize posts for organic search visits, onpage SEO, cost per click and click through rate improvement. I think after reading this post you have learned new things and will reinvest SEO strategies on your blog posts whether you have made SEO mistakes these days.

The tools mentioned above are almost free and need your strategy to utilize them properly. I don't spend any money for SEO but i feel i'm better than hiring any SEO professional. You can be also an SEO professional if you perform well with above SEO tools.

If you get this article helpful don't forget to share this with your favorite social media and blog readers.
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